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Housing is a provincial responsibility. All Trudeau can do is give the provinces money to spend on housing. And he's given tens of billions. But it's undone when Ford doesn't allow fourplexes etc.

So tired of seeing this half-baked take that ignores history and policy of several successive federal governments for decades.


Why is it so difficult for people to acknowledge the failings of the federal government when it comes to housing?

It's hard to see incompetence in the guy you like and easy to see incompetence in the guy you don't like. Housing is pretty clearly all levels of government fault. Cities are trapped by nimbies, provinces aren't using their clear power to overrule the cities and stuff massive residential upzoning through, feds are clearly funding rampant house appreciation through easy CMHC money and driving excess demand through a half baked immigration policy that ups the population numbers without enough heed to the skills we actually need to alleviate our problems. I could go on but that's the big picture failure at each level.

Summed well.

it drives me bonkers so I'm following it semi closely. The obvious solution is the provinces stuff something like a simplification of residential zoning to 2 zones, one which lets you build everything up to some story (lets say six) and have some high lot coverage (say 80%) and a zone for everything else. Everything within the spec in the first zone gets a mandated approval in some short time period (say 2 weeks) everything in the second gets a mandated approval in a longer time but still fairly short (say 2 months). Have the list of allowed no's be very restrictive and approve everything else. Feds should phase out new CMHC lending over some reasonably long time period (say 20 years) and do a better job of matching immigration to skills shortages and limiting immigration to a smaller number outside the skills shortage areas until the shortages are addressed. Just get it done already guys!

It's easy to say "less immigration". But when faced with somebody whose choice is to immigrate or to die, are you willing to say "die"?

You're talking about asylum seekers, that's not representative of the problem. It was a matter of strict policy to target a 3%+ growth rate. That was reached with economic migrants, refugees and the others are in addition to the targets. That's not counting TFWs and students who'd go to work full-time instead of attending to their studies

Probably because Canada’s central government is weak because it’s a confederation and not a federation. Their provincial governors have more power yet less blame. Another issue is rampant NIMBYism just like the US.

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