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Um ... confidentiality? Maybe it's become passé, these days, but I subscribe to it.

I talk my life and experience. I’m old, and have been at this game for a while, so I’ve seen a fair bit. I don't fluff, brag, or humblebrag. I don't pretend to be what I'm not, and I can back up what I say. Sometimes, I don't think it's necessary or proper to do so (like in this case), and what I claimed was not so outrageous, when you consider that the graphic design agency was Pentagram, and the Interaction design agency was DDO. They did most of the difficult work, and did a great job of it.

Assume whatever you want as my motivation. I don't particularly care. It's a free country.

You seem to know me, better than I know myself, and I guess you're ... um ... proud of that?

My reading of what laeri wrote is "you seem to be proud of the work you did on that project so I'm not sure what is hindering you from talking about it". Not "you seem to be proud of not talking about it".

I'll be generous, and assume that. I tend to get a lot of young folks, telling me that I'm an empty boaster (spoiler: I'm not). Some of them actually seem to be obsessed, which is sort of flattering (I guess).

If that's the case, then I'll certainly apologize. Maybe I'm a cynic.

I don't really have a desire to be BMOC. It's just that this is the only place I engage in any kind of social media, and most folks seem to like what I post.

I've done a lot, over the years. I've worked amongst some of the best and the brightest, and I'm fairly used to being the dumbest guy in the room.

I know that there's many folks, out there, that make me look like a knuckle-dragger, and how ridiculous it is, for me to act like I'm King Shit. Maybe those folks don't feel the need to chime in, around here.

In the case of this posting, a question was asked, and I answered it, in what may actually be too much detail. The company I worked for, had (still has) a real paranoia, when it comes to intellectual property.

I just figured that folks might want to hear stories from the trenches (I have a lot -many that can't be told). That was what I assumed, from the question, and was merely participating in the community.

Well, a good opportunity to say that I don't post here much but I do enjoy your stories.

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