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Discussions, as painful as they are, allow us to bridge gaps, and see each other as human beings. Not discussing certain things only makes us silently hate each other and leads to misunderstandings compounding one on top of another.

Obviously, corporations have zero incentive to improve the society as a whole, it's easier to just tell everyone either they get along or they're fired.

So I smile and wave towards everyone. They'll never know I'm whatever-ist, and I silently vote for politicians that take away rights of certain social groups I'm prejudiced about.

Not talking about politics doesn’t “make me hate” my coworkers. If anything, it makes me like them more, as we bond over human things, like food, not issues pushed by the media.

Politics is a human thing. People don't care about issues just because the media tells them to.

the issues exist anyways. the difference is the media gets to choose which issues most people should get angry about in the interest of their investors.

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