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Never Burnout: Here Is How Healthy High Performers Approach Time Management (weeklyperformancescience.com)
2 points by EhsanEtezad 61 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Engineering and finance folks are going to love me because I think I can say what I mean better using formulas than words.

What I am saying is that, instead of “my whole time – my work time = personal time”,

I want you to switch to “my whole time – my personal time = my work time”

The self-care time is the guaranteed piece in the equation and the work time is the one that fluctuates over time.

This shift in mindset is really helpful when work demands start eating into your personal time, which usually happens all the time.

Top 7 Benefits of Reordering Your Time

1. Improved Health & Wellness

2. Sustained Healthy High Performance

3. Better Work-Life Balance

4. Increased Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

5. Enhanced Resilience

6. Improved Social Connections

7. Increased Job Satisfaction

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