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Very charitable of you! (do we need an emoticon for charity, like we have for sarcasm? symmetry would suggest yes.)

Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that these situations are exactly why the Geneva Conventions[0] require combatants to have (a) uniforms, and (b) a command structure:

(a) prevents someone low from disingenuously stopping the buck by claiming "tweren't no orders; I'm acting on my own"

(b) prevents someone high from arguing as Uber does: "you see, we're not a traditional army that gives orders to our fighters — we just provide a service that matches attackers and targets online, and really, anything bad that allegedly happened was only between those two parties"[1]

[0] if we're not doing these anymore, just go ahead and tell me "the future is now, old man", and I'll take my mutterings to the pétanque piste.

[1] > "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department," says Wernher von Braun —TAL

Tinder for combat: swipe to kill.

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