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You are wrong because one bad bomb that killed the 7 kitchen workers made world headlines. If they bombed the shit out of everyone, then there wouldn’t even be any kitchen workers going in. The fact that this war is going on for months and this one is the first that killed people who it shouldnt have would tell you otherwise. Also a big difference is in the other wars you mentioned, the fighters wouldn’t disguise themselves as civilians, use hospitals and civilians as shields did they?

I am not sure how anyone could possibly be expected to take this comment seriously. “This one is the first that killed people who it shouldn’t”.

It had to be.. week 1? that they bombed a children’s hospital. They even shot a few of their own who were escaping captivity.

I've been seeing headlines and even some footage near constantly since this latest escalation of Israel killing civilians. There are thousands of images of dense housing complexes, hospitals etc being bombed. Anyone with basic common sense can tell that they've killed plenty of civilians in those, even if we accept their claims that they were targeting terrorists (which this system gives plausible deniability for, they can just label any target it designates as a terrorist, regardless of reality).

> this one is the first that killed people who it shouldnt have would tell you otherwise

I honestly can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

Do you believe these were the first aid workers who were killed?

Three "bad" missiles over a five minute period. The hit on the WCK convoy killed the latest 7 out of over 200 aid workers who have been killed in Gaza since this latest war began.

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