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Do you think this holds up in court? It gives me Nuremberg defense vibes ("I was just following orders"), except humans are following an AI's orders.

> It gives me Nuremberg defense

You only need a Nuremberg Defense if you lose, and your country is taken over.

If you are an American soldier, only the US will be able to hold you accountable.

Israel has nukes and the backing of America. I think it is unlikely that they would ever lose so badly as their soldiers face a Nuremberg like trial.

Rules for thee but not for me (or any of my best "friends").

If they lose that badly, I can't imagine anyone around them would bother with trials.

Yea now you know why they're fighting so hard. Their genocidal neighbours want them dead regardless of any of this stuff.

That's why you work to remove humans from the loop altogether.

That probably isn't enough - representatives from IG Farben, Krupp and Flick were all tried at Nuremberg for war crimes because their companies helped war crimes and crimes against peace; therefore the people behind the AI targeting civilians are in theory liable for it murdering civilians.

That's terrifying, I hate where this is all headed. I still hope that the people that ordered it setup and those that had it developed would be held accountable (I know, pipe dream).

...I'm having trouble discerning whether you understand the abject stupidity of that suggestion, or if you're just being sarcastic. Poe's law strikes again.

To be honest, I could see this happening. What's going on right now is absurd enough as it is. I pity The Onion.

More sardonic or grimly ironic than sarcastic, but yes.

Man, Fuck Ted Faro.

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