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Author is listed as "Brigadier General Y.S" - hardly difficult to guess Yossi Sariel?

The 'About the Author' doesnt really try to hold info back either

> Brigadier General Y.S is an expert analyst, commander of an elite intelligence unit and technology manager with 20 years of experience working on national security issues and challenges threatening the State of Israel. His areas of expertise include cyber and data science. In 2018, he was awarded the prestigious Israel Defense Prize for a new artificial intelligence based anti-terrorism project. He wrote his most recent book, The Human Machine Team, during his year of studying for a Master’s Degree at the National Defense University in Washington, DC. Y.S also has written other books in Hebrew on the topics of intelligence, strategy, and Hezbollah. He holds a BA in Middle East Studies and another BA in Psychology and Sociology. He grew up in Haifa and currently lives with his family in the beautiful Galilee region of Israel.

Perhaps whichever HR department in the IDF covers publishing books has a checklist that says "serving members cannot publish books about intelligence operations under their own name", but no one who actually enforces an anonymization policy.

I believe the revelation is that this particular Brigadier General is leading specifically unit 8200. I'm sure that the line

> n expert analyst, commander of an elite intelligence unit and technology manager with 20 years of experience working on national security issues and challenges

Fits neatly into quite a few punched-up resumes and 'about' pages.

How many matches do you think there are for "In 2018, he was awarded the prestigious Israel Defense Prize for a new artificial intelligence based anti-terrorism project"?

okay, yeah. Not many. That is patently poor opsec.

Yeah this is either an opsec blunder or a smokescreen.

Sariel is an anagram for Israel.

Very nice! Sariel is one of the 5 archangels in Judaism. I think (in descending order) they are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Sariel. I don't remember the 5th.

Also, how many brigadier generals could Israel have? It seems like a smokescreen, but... idk idk

Yeah how was this such a secret?

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