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Show HN: I wrote a specialized SLF4J back end, for JSON logs to stdout (hkupty.github.io)
2 points by hkupty 60 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It has been over a year now that I have been slowly but surely investing in this project and I think it has reached a point where it can be production ready now.

Penna is a specialized SLF4J backend that aims to target a specific use-case, for a specific deployment type: it writes JSON logs to stdout, to address a common use case for apps deployed in kubernetes, docker or similar, where those logs are captured by agents and shipped to the likes of Loki or Elastic Stack.

Penna is meant to be easy setup (essentially works without any necessary configuration) and allows for yaml-based configs for fine tuning, which can be updated while the app is live without a restart.

Those scenarios are based on my observations over a few places I worked with, so I'd like to hear from you how do you feel about the problem it tries to solve and, if you try the project, your overall impressions.

The source code is here[0] if you want to have a look at it.

Thanks in advance!

[0]: https://github.com/hkupty/penna

Maybe show an example of the generated output on the front page?

I can definitely do something like that. Didn't cross my mind that it would be necessary as, well, it is a JSON string with the log message anyway. But if that's somewhat interesting, I can definitely look into that.

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