Throwaway account.
I've been interviewing with a young startup for the past week about a coding position. Everything had been going swimmingly until yesterday, when I was asked to take a timed coding test via email.
On that test, I choked.
I knew what I needed to do, and I knew how to write it, but I just could not get my code working for some reason. I looked at it again a few hours after time was up, and with the clarity of not being timed, I was able to re-write the whole thing properly in about 15 minutes.
I have been obsessing over this interview since it ended. I can obviously do the exercise, but that won't show in the code I submitted to them. Can I ask the company for a do-over, or is that too unprofessional?
If you can contact them and show them what they want, probably they will listen. Don't think about this from your point of view, think about it from theirs.
So what is your analysis? What conclusions can you draw from your analysis? What actions should you take based on those conclusions?
What do they want, and how can you make them see that you have it?