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You already have to inspect everything if you want to review/audit a build script. Small functions - and I specifically mean functions being written small because of misguided ideas of "clean code", as opposed to e.g. useful abstraction or reusability - become especially painful there, as you have that much more code to read, and things that go together logically (or execution-wise) are now smeared around the file.

And you can't really name such small functions well anyway, not when they're broken down for the sake of being small. Case in point, some build script I saw this week had function like `rename_foo_dll_unit_tests` calling `rename_foo_dll_in_folder` calling `rename_foo_dll` calling `rename_dlls`, a distinct call chain of four non-reused functions that should've been at most two functions.

Are all Python build scripts like that? Not really. It's just a style I've seen repeatedly. The same is the case with inscrutable Bash scripts. I think it speaks more about common practices than the language itself (notwithstanding Bash not really being meant for writing longer programs).

Sounds like DRY run amok indeed. Maybe a compiler or linter could detect these cases and complain "this function is only called from one place" :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this particular frustration.

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