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This is great! But it's also the 3rd platform I've seen in the research space in the last few weeks. I still haven't even gotten around to trying Elicit.com

You say "try it now", but then link to a sign-up, and you don't have any social sign-in, so I can't just click a butt on and go.

If you look at elicit.com, look at their branding, the quality of their design, then look at your competing site. You need to up your game to get trust.

I'm assuming the reason you don't want to just have an open search is due to the cost of running searches, but what's the cost of nobody using it? How can you provide examples at least that showcase what you can do?

WRT the name of your name, the first thing that came to mind is undermine, which is not a positive connection to research.

I hope you can take this as constructive feedback. Like I said, I haven't even tried elicit yet, I can't remember what the other competitor in this space was.

But also, here's a bonus. Emmitt Shear just posted on twitter looking for quality research on reaction time. I know of at least one paper on slow-wave enhancement for deep sleep (CLAS, PTAS) and a secondary finding was on slow-wave sleep. I said I'd get back to him with the link, but maybe you can do even better and show us what your product can do. What's the best research into reaction time? Is there something other than Clare Anderson's paper on slow-wave sleep and reaction time?

Here's the results for Emmitt's request on research using interventions to improve reaction time: https://www.undermind.ai/query_app/display_one_search/e1bcab...

These results look really useful on a first glance! I will make an account to test this with my own questions after seeing the results (The homepage alone didn't convince me to invest that much time).

https://www.lumina-chat.com/ the competitor you saw maybe?

Here's some others focused at least partly on search: Elicit https://elicit.com/ Lumina-chat https://www.lumina-chat.com/ Consensus https://consensus.app/ OpenEvidence (medical focused) https://www.openevidence.com/ sciscape: https://typeset.io/ Epsilon-ai https://www.epsilon-ai.com/ scholarAI https://scholarai.io/

Consensus app was the other one. Thanks! Wow, there are a lot.

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