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Is it possible to actually aim a pallet of trash to a specific area? I assume it will break up into pieces on reentry with each piece being made of different materials and having a different profile, falling to different spots. I wonder how accurate something like this could reasonably be done.

> It is notoriously difficult to predict where a piece of space junk will reenter the atmosphere. US Space Command precisely tracks tens of thousands of objects in Earth orbit, but the exact density of the upper atmosphere is still largely an unknown variable. Even a half-day before the reentry, US Space Command's estimate for when the battery pallet would fall to Earth had a window of uncertainty spanning six hours, enough time for the object to circle the planet four times.

Beyond that, there’s a “skipping stone” effect of re-entry that makes it quite difficult to predict where a reentering object will land.

Yes...so long as you're willing to invest the needed delta-v.

But in this case, they had run out of the latter, so...

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