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You set up an economic system that ensures that all of humanity benefits from the progress of technology and not just capitalists like how worker wages have stagnated in the last 50 years while productivity has grown incredibly with the internet and computers.

Some basic social systems are ensuring Basic Income is available so those displaced and cannot find jobs aren't in hopeless situations.

The government needs to alleviate the tax burden on workers and push it more (eventually totally) on corporations as they become where all profit is made. This means ending loopholes and threatening serious jail time (5 years for minor; 15 for major offenses) for any and all C-suite and board members who try to abuse the system. Fines are just the cost of business. These people need to be fucking terrified that they will be raped in jail for the rest of their shitty old lives. Whistleblowers should not be getting fucking killed in this day and age - its a fucking embarrassment and every politician who could have done something and failed should be put against the wall and shot dead.

Lobbying has to end. Any politicians, lobbyists, C-suite/board members who engage in corruption should go be terrified of going to jail. If you decide to be a public servant then you are now under as strict watch as police should be. All your communications are monitored and you have to wear a camera everywhere you go. And the organizations who watch have a smart (smarter than I can come up with) series of checks and balances to ensure they cannot be easily corrupted either.

Government in general should be redesigned to limit certain capabilities and focus on what is key like regulation of AI. We need scientists being the focus as the voice of reason. Not putting shitty, corrupt politicians in charge here.

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