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Wow what a horrible idea. Sounds like monopoly in the making. I would be really interested to hear what "open" AI has commented about this - I guess they are lobbying for this with all of their billions.

If the US government really want to do this correctly, they must also ban any API access to AI models and ban all research related to AI.

How could this be even written as law? Universities and companies are probihited to publish their research? How many layer models are forbidden to be published? All neural networks?

May I remind you of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeCSS?

If that isn't enough, it links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_number#Illegal_primes which is well into ridiculous but true territory.

It's clear to me that Sam Altman has turned OpanAI into ClosedAI

Not just "ClosedAI" but "CloseAllAI". He's been actively lobbying congress and others to ensure OpenAI are the only ones, with a few other big actors, that can make AI.

Which is why so many tech companies are telling us how dangerous AI is.

It's not a monopoly. It's America opting out of open research.

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