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A few come to mind...

The executive order (and associated DoC/NTIA RFC) was long, and dense with both legal references and political platitudes. Not great reading, (though the EO got a good amount of discussion here). It's unfortunate, but less than surprising that it didn't make actual news outlets.

It seems complicated now, and many would like to see how things play out a little more before committing the time to deciding things. (I think that's a bad idea; regardless of the revolutionary tech, it seems wise to begin governmental thought early.)

It's kinda been buried in an otherwise heavy news cycle since the end of October of last year, AI and otherwise. I assume that wasn't intentional, but it seems hard to hide something so big at a better time.

And though I hate to say it, I suspect: apathy. Both traditional from the bottom ("too far off, unfixable, can't do anything about it"), and from the top ("once we get too big to fuck with, we just won't give a damn about any changes they try to make anyway").

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