> The problem with the concept of a middle class job (one where you can comfortably afford living, fun, saving, etc I think is most people's interpretations), is that it represents an unstable equilibrium state. Incentives of most businesses are the opposite of someone in the middle class.
Ok, and I claim that the problem with the current model of capitalism, as opposed to the post-WWII model, is that it's oppositional to a middle class - the incentives are opposed.
Now the question is about the societal outcomes we expect from the systems people create. Why should we prefer greater inequity and an even more complete loss of the middle class? These things are all being imposed by human-manufactured systems - we can control them.
We don't even need to throw AI or human desperation or planned economies on this bonfire of ideas to recognize that, as initially posed, the problem is itself incorrect.
>Now the question is about the societal outcomes we expect from the systems people create. Why should we prefer greater inequity and an even more complete loss of the middle class? These things are all being imposed by human-manufactured systems - we can control them.
Control of these systems lies in the capital class not in the working class. They prefer greater inequality, you and I probably don't but you and I have zero agency to do anything at all about how the world works. We lack support and we lack money to advertise our position and garner support relative to the groups empowered and enriched by the status quo.
Ok, and I claim that the problem with the current model of capitalism, as opposed to the post-WWII model, is that it's oppositional to a middle class - the incentives are opposed.
Now the question is about the societal outcomes we expect from the systems people create. Why should we prefer greater inequity and an even more complete loss of the middle class? These things are all being imposed by human-manufactured systems - we can control them.
We don't even need to throw AI or human desperation or planned economies on this bonfire of ideas to recognize that, as initially posed, the problem is itself incorrect.