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[flagged] Elon Musk says Russia 'will certainly gain more land' in Ukraine (businessinsider.com)
5 points by giuliomagnifico 62 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

Russia has gained more land since this was written almost two weeks ago, so I guess he was right?


Yeah, cause he keeps disabling Starlink internet access when Ukrainian drones are about to attack strategic points well behind the front, such as the bridge between Crimea and Russia.

Self-fulfilling prophecy there.

Source on him/SpaceX disabling Starlink proactively? AFAIK Starlink was never enabled for Crimea (as confirmed by Issacsson, which whether good or bad is not the same as "keeps disabling Starlink internet access".

The url contents say exactly what I wrote, that Musk didn't agree to requests to enable Starlink in additional areas (and did not disable anything that was activated before). The first link title is clickbait and the text says something very different.

From the article:

> Elon Musk on Thursday acknowledged turning off internet access from his Starlink satellites during a Ukrainian raid last year on a Russian naval fleet, saying he did so to prevent SpaceX from being “complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.”

The primary source exists. There's still no Crimea service

And next, in our series of having overconfident famous people bloviate about stuff that they know nothing about, we’re asking Kim Jong Un how to make the perfect omelette!

One of modern media’s more irritating behaviours, this. Musk, who is at this point pretty much a human LLM, is particularly good at providing ill-informed nonsense, confidently stated, but it’s a wider problem.

Since when he’s also a military analyst?

Musk has completely tumbled down the far-right rabbit hole at this point so I’m not surprised he thinks Ukraine should just roll over.

So you're so certain that Ukraine's military position is solid that anyone who disagrees with you must be a political enemy?

I’m making no claims about Ukraine’s military position, I’m saying Mr “close to zero new cases by end of April” Musk makes predictions based wholly on his political feelings instead of any sort of rational analysis, and given that he follows David Sacks and posts memes like this[0], I’m not surprised he thinks Ukraine should stop trying to reclaim territory and negotiate a settlement with an enemy that started the war by making a beeline for the capital.

[0] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1708629197617336398

Yes, its literally freedom vs Nazis2.0. There's literally no way to support Russia and not be an enemy of humanity. The two are mutually exclusive.

Honestly asking: What do you mean by enemy of humanity?

(Humanity has been around for 300,000+ years and there has probably not been one year without violent conflict)

How does this answer the question in that specific context?

Do you honestly view the associated (nation) state and all of its inhabitants of any invading army as "pirates and/or terrorists"?

Russia is committing crimes against humanity with overwhelming popular support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity

They are no different than Nazi-Germany. You can't support Russia without supporting the crimes. They are as inseparably linked as Nazi-Germany and their crimes against humanity. There was no way to support Germany in 1942 and remain a moral person, and there is no way to support Russia in 2024 without being either a disgusting soulless bastard or a total moron.

"Negotiated settlement" sounds attractive in its sophistication, but in practice it means leaving people in occupied territories for Russians to torture, rape and murder: https://bylinetimes.com/2024/03/13/the-hallmark-of-russian-o...

It's as "great" idea as stopping after the liberation of Paris in 1944 and offering Hitler a deal that would've allowed him to continue the Holocaust in still-occupied parts of France if only he promised to stop the fighting on the frontlines. People who propose ideas like this are either uneducated morons or fundamentally evil.


> People who identify themselves as Russians in Donbass have the right not to be threatened by Ukranian nationalists

And how have they fared since February 2022? Entire cities wiped under relentless Russian artillery, homes and businesses destroyed or looted, family members tortured, raped, kidnapped or murdered, and entire generations of men forcibly conscripted into meat attacks against their compatriots.

Interestingly your account joined 9 days ago, and this is your only post, this is one of the only times I've seen someone outright support Russia's invasion of Ukraine on this site. People in the Donbass voted -for- Zelenskyy before the invasion. So, your point is nonsense. Putin panicked because he wanted a puppet state with tons of agricultural and oil exports, and it turned against his planted head of state.

>Putin . . . wanted a puppet state with tons of agricultural and oil exports

Ukraine is a net oil and gas importer and always has been.

The entire idea of taking over Ukraine is to steal its resources and they would become a net exporter with a fairly small upfront investment. If Russia controlled Ukraine, they would control ~30% of the World's fertilizer distribution, tons of grain, and would give them a stronger foothold on natural gas distribution and oil reserves, all while being on Poland's doorstep. Putin is a Eurasianist, he doesn't care about the people in Eastern Ukraine.





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