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I’m highly safety critical systems you have software (and hardware) diversity were multiple pieces of software, developed independently, have to vote on the result. Maybe highly critical pieces of Linux like the login process should be designed the same way. So that two binaries without common dependencies would need to accept the login for the user to get privileges.

Exactly how to do it (especially transparently for the user), I have no idea though. Maybe sending ssh login requests to two different sshd implementations and if they don’t do the same things (same system calls), they are both killed.

Or some kind of two step login process where the first login only gives access to the sandbox of the second login process.

But in general I assume the Linux attack surface is too big to do software diversity for all of it.

> login process

RCE doesn't really follow a login process design. As soon as you got RCE you can be considered pwned.

If not now, then at the time the next locally exploitable vulnerability comes up. There are plenty.

Or better, just make an ssh without any dependencies. Statically compile it, and get rid of the libssl and libsystemd and even libpam and libc's nsswitch. (I actually do this for some of my systems)

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