at minimum, ipv6 only if you absolutely must do it (it absolutely cuts the scans way down)
better is to only host it on vpn
even better is to only activate it with a portknocker, over vpn
even better-better is to set up a private ipv6 peer-to-peer cloud and socat/relay to the private ipv6 network (yggdrasil comes to mind, but there's other solutions to darknet)
your sshd you need for server maintenance/scp/git/rsync should never be hosted on ipv4 clearnet where a chinese bot will find it 3 secs after the route is established after boot.
How about making ssh as secure as (or more secure than) the VPN you'd put it behind? Considering the amount of vulnerabilities in corporate VPNs, I'd even put my money on OpenSSH today.
It's not like this is SSH's fault anyway, a supply chain attack could just as well backdoor some Fortinet appliance.
Defence in depth. Which of your layers is "more secure" isn't important if none are "perfectly secure", so having an extra (independent) layer such as a VPN is a very good idea.
You have to decide when to stop stacking, otherwise you'd end up gating access behind multiple VPNs (and actually increasing your susceptibility to hypothetical supply-chain attacks that directly include a RAT).
I'd stop at SSH, since I don't see a conceptual difference to how a VPN handles security (unless you also need to internally expose other ports).
OpenSSH has a much smaller attack surface, is thoroughly vetted by the best brains on the planet, and is privilege separated and sandboxed. What VPN software comes even close to that?
The only software remotely in the same league is a stripped down Wireguard. There is a reason the attacker decided to attack liblzma instead of OpenSSH.
I imagine it stops some non-targeted attempts that simply probe the entire v4 range, which is not feasible with v6. But yeah, not really buying you much, especially if there is any publicly listed service on that IP.
If you have password authentication disabled then it shouldn't matter how many thousands of times a day people are scanning and probing sshd. Port knockers, fail2ban, and things of that nature are just security by obscurity that don't materially increase your security posture. If sshd is written correctly and securely it doesn't matter if people are trying to probe your system, if it's not written correctly and securely you're SOL no matter what.
at minimum, ipv6 only if you absolutely must do it (it absolutely cuts the scans way down)
better is to only host it on vpn
even better is to only activate it with a portknocker, over vpn
even better-better is to set up a private ipv6 peer-to-peer cloud and socat/relay to the private ipv6 network (yggdrasil comes to mind, but there's other solutions to darknet)
your sshd you need for server maintenance/scp/git/rsync should never be hosted on ipv4 clearnet where a chinese bot will find it 3 secs after the route is established after boot.