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Could the backdoor have targeted Wireguard instead of ssh?

Down voted for asking a valid question? Or is every reader of every HN post expected to be an in depth expert in every article posted every minute of every day of the year? What kind of asshole who has earned the right to down vote comments on HN would down vote a legitimate question?

My first instinct would be no, as wireguard runs in kernel space(if you're using kernel wireguard, not wireguard-go/some other userspace implementation),and couldn't link in liblzma, a userspace component.

Ssh is shell, whereas wireguard is a vpn.

You will still be vulnerable as you can connect to an ssh server through your wireguard tunnel.

I don't think that's what OP is asking. I think OP is asking if wireguard functions could be hooked in the same way as sshd functions are in this exploit.

Well, yes, I can, but unlike ssh which is open to the world, my VPN is only open to me and the family. It seems like that greatly reduces the potential attack surface.

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