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I'll bite.

Real-time tracking of a person or their ground transport: not ok.

Real-time tracking of a person's plane: ok.

And the reason for such a distinction is that planes can only land on specific ground slots. That also means that real-time tracking of a person's helicopter falls under "not ok". And by extension, the same will hold for flying taxis, once they take off[tm].

We don't (yet?) live in a world where shoulder mounted surface-to-air missiles, outside of war zones, are a realistic threat.

Once a stalker knows a specific place and time to find their victim, they can simply follow them until they have an opportunity to do worse.

"Missiles" are just a straw man.

Hopefully Taylor Swift will follow through, Sweeney will be sued or even prosecuted for stalking, and we'll find out if this really is legal.

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