Would that help? sshd, by design, opens shells. the backdoor payload was basically to open a shell. that is, the very thing that sshd has to do.
The pledge/unvail system is pretty great, but my understanding is that it do not do anything that the linux equivalent interfaces(seccomp i think) cannot do. It is just a simplified/saner interface to the same problem of "how can a program notify the kernel what it's scope is?" The main advantage to pledge/unveil bring to the table is that they are easy to use and cannot be turned off, optional security isn't.
By design, OpenSSH will start an interactive shell with either the capabilities to escalate to root or direct root permissions. I don't think pledge/unveil will work any better than seccomp already does.
I do like the pledge/unveil API, but I don't think it would've made much of a difference.