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Figurative Representations in the North European Neolithic–Are They There? (cambridge.org)
17 points by Thevet 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I am probably being an idiot. I can imagine many carvings have been lost. Wiped away by grinding ice. Especially in northern europe. Is the neolithic after the iceages or during? I have only skimmed through he article so might have missed this being addressed.

Edited: nevermind. The neolithic is of course after the last Ice Age.

Disappointing that it doesn't seem like they touch upon newer research [0] that shows repeated shifts in population composition in the area of their study. Especially when the researchers are from the same university.

[0] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06862-3

It seems to be mentioned at least in part:

>Culturally and genetically, the eastern Swedish Pitted Ware individuals differ from preceding and contemporary Funnel Beaker populations. Whereas the people buried in Pitted Ware graves on Gotland and Öland were genetically related to Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Scandinavia, Funnel Beaker individuals descend from contemporaneous central European Middle Neolithic farmers

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