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I am thinking back to an IOS game called FlappyBird. The creator intentionally aimed for game dynamics that would hook users in the first 30 seconds. As a result, the gameplay mechanics were quite shallow and limited. But on the flip side, the game gained a huge following. You might do some balancing here, not to say there must be instant gratification but a better lead into the gameplay might help.

This isn't a game, it's a short story.

Is Dear Esther a game?

Nuh uh, you make a decision at the end.

On the other hand the paperclip optimizer AGI factory game went viral

You start playing right away in that game.

I've never stopped :(

I fail to see the similarity.

Parent is not trying to draw similarity, but contrast: Edgar takes while to get to rewarding feedback (but has rich gameplay), while Flappy Bird gets to gratification immediately (but has shallow gameplay)

Where’s the gameplay?

wait... did you just open the webpage, saw "you write a prompt" and turned it off, thinking it's a "speak with ai" game?

could've waiting until 2 clicks at least, man...

It's more a story than a game isn't it?

Is this a joke? Like that gif of that guy climbing that tower that is just a loop?

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