How many companies are there that actually implement 5G, as opposed to buying a chipset from those that do?
Hardly surprising that this capability is slow to trickle down from the huge market of cellular to reuse of protocol concepts in the local wireless niche. It's one thing to select a gaint for riding on the shoulder of, another to actually do the climbing.
> How many companies are there that actually implement 5G, as opposed to buying a chipset from those that do?
The number of companies actually building stuff is far eclipsed by the number of companies amassing IP hoards around the tech.
Modern standards are an absolute tarpit; total waste of time to drive your career into that nonsense IMO. It's cool tech, but good luck with that -- you cant even start to build anything or use it without an army of lawyers and bankers clearing the path.
Hardly surprising that this capability is slow to trickle down from the huge market of cellular to reuse of protocol concepts in the local wireless niche. It's one thing to select a gaint for riding on the shoulder of, another to actually do the climbing.