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If there are AI software engineers, Where are AI QA testers?
7 points by pr_khar 30 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Doesn't engineering require more creativity than QA testing, which is mostly just repetitive and mundane.

> Doesn't engineering require more creativity than QA testing, which is mostly just repetitive and mundane.

I think this is a disservice to good QA testers, who can often creatively find bugs the devs don't even think to test for.

Sure, writing a bunch of tests can be repetitive and mundane, but so can writing code. But the thought and design behind either doesn't have to be...

Partially depends on your org layout and how much autonomy is left to coders and QA vs mid management. If all the specs are dictated to you beforehand and you just have to follow them, there's little room for creativity for either role.

A good QA’s creativity in finding new ways to break my code knows no bounds.

This AI technology, a software that can effectively code another software is different from previous kinds of software, it's a new paradigm in itself. Maybe somewhat similar to what happened when Visual Basic first appeared (propelling hundreds of thousands of applications for the Windows environment in just a couple of years).

The first thing you'd want to achieve is to make work an AI agent capable of writing software, good software, then you could just ask it to make other types of agents, QA soft engineers, SRE engineers, DBA engineers, what ever you need.

Devin for starters is mentioned capable of training and tunning models. So, there you go.

You must be twice as smart as the thing you are trying to test to effectively characterize it. Cobbling something together is easy. Proving it is exactly what it should be under all circumstances is far more difficult than makimg a half ass thing that'll "work on your machine".

There are quite a few startups in this space - https://qa.tech/ is one I know of, but there are several others.

QA is gone. It's now DevOps, which includes the QA responsibilities implicitly. Most of which are in automated tests.

Many many startups are working on this. Some have interesting prototypes, but none have succeeded yet.

They're on Twitter, breaking Google's image generation service.

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