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He says he did not ask for $7T - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39747415

There’s an old saying: “If you can only be good at one thing, be good at lying, because then you’re good at everything.”

The Street’s consensus seems to be that we should be making big enough screens to display the number seven trillion in decimal notation.

Altman has said all kinds of things. He said that Green Dot should buy Loopt, he said that Autodesk should buy Socialcam, he said that he contemplates putting ice nine into the glass of people who cross him, he said that Larry Summers should be given authority over anything but a prison cell.

I’m a big believer in aligned incentives and it seems pretty counter-productive to let all that slide and then backpedal when he tells the truth about the price tag. I’m pro-no-filter-Altman.


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