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Shouldn't revenue numbers be considered alongside the expenses? This seems framed as if these models can't produce much revenue unless they achieve AGI... and I don't think that's accurate.

Yes, that'd certainly have to be part of the equation, but if there is a leveling off of performance across generations that'd still need to be taken into account.

There will be many use cases (e.g. human job replacement, depending on the job) where human-level AGI is a requirement, and incremental gains below that level make little difference. Anthropic have already mentioned something similar - corporate uses cases where "right 90% of the time", or "able to do 90% of the job" just doesn't make sense - needs to be at human level.

Of course we also don't know how this is going to pan out in terms of locally run open-source or self-trained (corporate) models vs paid API usage. AMD and Intel are salivating at the prospect of "AI-PCs" equipped with accelerators for running models locally.

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