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I had gone the Mac Studio route initially, but I ended up with getting an A6000 for about the same price as a Mac and putting that in a Linux server onder my desk. Ollama makes it dead simple to serve it over my local network, so I can be on my M1 Air and using it no differently than if on my laptop. The difference is that the A6000 absolutely smokes the Mac.

Wow, that is a lot of money ($4400 on Amazon) to throw at this problem. I am curious, what was the purpose that compelled you to spend this (for the home network, I assume) amount of money.

Large scale document classification tasks in very ambiguous contexts. A lot of my work goes into using big models to generate training data for smaller models.

I have multiple millions of documents so GPT is cost prohibitive, and too slow. My tools of choice tend to be a first pass with Mistral to check task performance and if lacking using Mixtral.

Often I find with a good prompt Mistral will work as well as Mixtral and is about 10x faster.

I’m on my “home” network, but it’s a “home office” for my startup.

Interesting I have the same task, can you share your tools? My goal is to detect if documents contain GDPR sensitive parts or are copies of official documents like ID's and driving licenses etc - would be great to reuse your work!

Working in the same sector, we’ll license it out soon.

this. if you can afford m3 level of money, a6000 is definitely worth it and provides you long-term access to a level of compute even hard to find in the cloud (for the price and waiting period).

it is only dwarfed by other options if your workload can use multi-gpu, which is not a granted for most cases.

> The difference is that the A6000 absolutely smokes the Mac.

Memory Bandwidth : Mac Studio wins (about the same @ ~800)

VRAM : Mac Studio wins (4x more)

TFLOPs: A6000 wins (32 vs 38)

VRAM in excess of the model one is using isn’t useful per se. My use cases require high throughput, and on many tasks the A6000 executes inference at 2x speed.

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