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The 5 greedy systems of US healthcare.

1. AMA (American Medical Association) artificially controlling the number of medical graduates based on a quota. Every doctor starts of a huge debt, and many don't get to practice. No experienced doctors from other countries can practice here.

2. Hospitals (many owned by Private Equity) - Maximize profit / patient. Don't show prices, lots of outrageous billing for basic care like Ibuprofen and bandages. The bills keep on coming for months after care.

3. Doctors - Gotta pay those debts. No prices advertised, Inflated costs for basic care. Specialists are booked for months.

5. Insurance companies - Can only make max 20% on administration costs. Love the high prices and denying claims for whatever reason they can find.

3. The politicians - Make $$ from lobbying insurance companies and big providers. Employers sponsored health insurance means individual workers don't have same bargaining power.

Essentially we are paying a fortune. ~5 trillion for healthcare. If we pooled all that money into a govt funded insurance pool, and removed artificial license quotas, market advertised prices, we'd have a much more efficient healthcare.

The corporations know the individuals can't coordinate between themselves to take them out. They have captured the market.

Instead we have a huge administrative bloat, gofundme pages, lowest mortality amongst the rich countries and a shit show.

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