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> I would love to be paid and have better peer-review.

Well, let's build on that common ground :-)

> fast-moving fields use preprints as their primary communication channel

Note, I'm not proposing any changes in the preprint system. Maybe you can explain why you think getting faster and better peer reviews would stop researchers from rapidly sharing ideas?

> I am skeptical that the money exists.

Francesca Gino made over $1 million a year at Harvard. Its not a question of can we afford to do this, its a question of can we afford NOT to do this??

If they would have funded a $20k replication study 15 years ago to see if Dan Ariely and Francesa Gino's paper was an actual scientific result, how much money would Harvard and all the funding agencies saved?

It would have even been better for Ariely and Gino--yeah, its no fun when your hypothesis is disproven, but that's a lot better than suffering from a career-ending fraud scandal.

I think the proposal would be more than self-funding, inasmuch as it would prevent money being wasted on frauds.

> I am skeptical that this will prevent "cheating" and "gaming" of the resulting systems.

I'm sure that we will always have "evil scientist"-types. But right now, the system actually incentivizes fraud, and punishes honest researchers.

Can we at least get the incentives right?

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