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In the past year I've gone to the ER with my late 70s dad almost once a month including multiple waits in the 6-12 hour range.

* Any time a senior (I guess anyone, really) falls and hits their head doctors want a head CT. Only place to do that is the ER, but if you aren't showing any symptoms of a brain bleed or similar problems, you're low on the priority list.

* Dad had IBS and problems with severe constipation. Twice he was having significant abdominal pain and we were told by his GI doc to go to the ER for a CT to make sure there wasn't a serious problem going on. But again, pain with a history of constipation and no other immediate symptoms lands you low on the triage list. And indeed both times he was just constipated.

* The worst time - the 12 hour wait - he was experiencing severe altered mental state. His neurologist, who normally has a 2-3 month wait for an appointment, thought it was serious enough to see him the next day. After examining asked if we could go down to the ER (their office is attached to a hospital) for a lumbar puncture and other tests to rule out a brain infection. Again, apparently the ER docs disagreed, so in the waiting room we sat.

In general though my observation from all of those hours sitting in ER waiting rooms was that a significant portion of the people there were really just sick and probably should've been at urgent care or their PCP.

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