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I've listened to a few episodes of the podcast, and enjoyed them, but I think he sometimes acts as though he is a model of how to live a healthy, well balanced life, and this article is a pretty convincing account that he isn't.

Did people expected him to be some kind of ultra healthy, jacked up, Buddha-Christ figure in his daily life?

Of course he has flaws, he is human.

And his personal life is his personal life. Writing a news profile about his would be as moral or relevent as some newspaper writing one about yours or mine.

I'd be actually concerned about his public function: about how he sells some new "scientific" lifestyle advice every week, an endless cycle of shallow unsettled science, bro advice, fads, and basically selling hope.

> I'd be actually concerned about his public function: about how he sells some new "scientific" lifestyle advice every week

Why? It’s great advice.

His “sleep toolkit” episode taught me a lot about how to get better sleep.

> but I think he sometimes acts as though he is a model of how to live a healthy

I think he more often tells listeners that x is the findings and suggests behavioral changes. Its hard to count the number of times his message comes across as "model your protocols after me".

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