worth remembering what this sort of stupidity actually means: creating the infrastructure for US government(s) mandated and approved identity verification on the Internet. this has a number of serious consequences, unrelated to children learning awesome dance moves:
- it's obviously a massive violation of whatever remains of "free speech" in the US, and allowing this to happen creates a precedent for nibbling at all sorts of other things
- creates precedent that children are even more subservient to their parents and random whims of whatever politicians are in charge at any point
- it creates the technical infrastructure and precedent for random US governments and whatever lunatics control them at the time to mediate permission to access websites
- it creates a massive database of PII, this time focussed on kids, which will be accessed endlessly by random
companies, and will de facto have no actual access controls
- it spews government-required and validated PII around loads of random websites - hacking a site and then quietly passively copying all their calls to the database will be of great interest to fuckwits around the world
- will require trying harder to geo-locate users, creating even more PII and having even more of it being government-audited
- creates a huge hammer for politicians to beat up on unfavoured companies / blackmail them
- undermines the functioning of the US as a coherent unified state
- it's obviously a massive violation of whatever remains of "free speech" in the US, and allowing this to happen creates a precedent for nibbling at all sorts of other things - creates precedent that children are even more subservient to their parents and random whims of whatever politicians are in charge at any point
- it creates the technical infrastructure and precedent for random US governments and whatever lunatics control them at the time to mediate permission to access websites
- it creates a massive database of PII, this time focussed on kids, which will be accessed endlessly by random companies, and will de facto have no actual access controls
- it spews government-required and validated PII around loads of random websites - hacking a site and then quietly passively copying all their calls to the database will be of great interest to fuckwits around the world
- will require trying harder to geo-locate users, creating even more PII and having even more of it being government-audited
- creates a huge hammer for politicians to beat up on unfavoured companies / blackmail them
- undermines the functioning of the US as a coherent unified state