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This soinds so weird and absurd to me: "i'd rather pay bribes to corrupt individuals than taxes to my government."

Have you lived in Vietnam or any country where this is a thing? It is weird, until you realize that it often works in your best interest.

For example, if I get pulled over in Vietnam while driving a motorbike, I can just pay the "fine" right then and there. While I admit, it is totally corrupt and questionable, it sure beats spending hours going to the police station and dealing with language issues.

Obviously, this isn't good for locals since it is used as a form of extortion, but it is what it is. I'm not in Vietnam to fix the problems there.

The world is indeed a strange place...

> Have you lived in Vietnam or any country where this is a thing? It is weird, until you realize that it often works in your best interest. […] Obviously, this isn’t good for locals

Most people who have lived in places where this exists were also, at the time, locals, so your description is self-contradictory.

yeah its like this in parts of Mexico too, it is convenient and fun, like "wow everyone's so cool haha what a playful land as long as you have 50 pesos on you" but it can also be annoying as the 'incidentals' add up

This is why I paid someone to help me get a VN drivers license. At that point, the coffee money either goes away entirely or gets cut in half.

At the end of the day, $3 sure is a lot cheaper than $100's in a single ticket in the US.

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