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“Not janky” is a weird way of describing the N64’s graphics. Sure Mario looked good, but have you seen most other games on that platform?

It will always be easy to make 3D games that look bad, but on the N64 games tend to look more stable than PS1 or Saturn games. Less polygon jittering[0], aliasing isn't as bad, no texture warping, higher polygon counts overall, etc.

If you took the same animated scene and rendered it on the PS1 and the N64 side by side, the N64 would look better hands down just because it has an FPU and perspective texture mapping.

[0] Polygon jittering caused by the PS1 only being capable of integer math, so there is no subpixel rendering and vertices effectively snap to a grid.

You can do subpixel rendering with fixed-point math https://www.copetti.org/writings/consoles/playstation/#tab-5...

I thought the problem was that it only had 12 or 16-bit precision for vertex coords, which is not enough no matter whether you encode it as fixed-point or floating-point. Floats aren't magic.

Compare it to the Playstation, which could not manage proper texture projection and also had such poor precision in rasterization that you could watch polygons shimmer as you moved around.

The N64 in comparison had an accurate and essentially modern (well, "modern" before shaders) graphics pipeline. The deficiencies in it's graphics were not nearly enough graphics specific RAM (you only had 4kb total as a texture cache, half that if you were using some features! Though crazy people figured out you could swap in more graphics from the CARTRIDGE if you were careful) and a god awful bilinear filtering on all output.

> well, "modern" before shaders

Interestingly, the N64 actually had some sort of precursor in form of the RSP "microcode". Unfortunately there was initially no documentation, so most developers just used the code provided by Nintendo, which wasn't very optimized and didn't include advanced features. Only in the last years did homebrew people really push the limits here with "F3DEX3".

> and a god awful bilinear filtering on all output.

I think that's a frequent misconception. The texture filtering was fine, it arguably looks significantly worse when you disable it in an emulator or a recompilation project. The only problem was the small texture cache. The filtering had nothing to do with it. Hardware accelerated PC games at the time also supported texture filtering, but I don't think anyone considered disabling it, as it was an obvious improvement.

But aside from its small texture cache, the N64 also had a different problem related to its main memory bus. This was apparently a major bottleneck for most games, and it wasn't easy to debug at the time, so many games were not properly optimized to avoid the issue, and wasted a large part of the frame time with waiting for the memory bus. There is a way to debug it on a modern microcode though. This video goes into more detail toward the end: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SHXf8DoitGc

Fun trivia for readers, it isn't even normal 4-tap bilinear filtering, it's 3-tap, resulting in a characteristic triangular blurring that some N64 emulators recreate and some don't. (A PC GPU won't do this without special shaders)


Well it had a proper Z buffer so textures didn't wiggle. Now the fog, draw distance, and texture resolution combined with blurring were terrible.

It was basically the haze console.

Hope it's okay that I just reply to everyone

Wiggling is down to lack of precision and lack of subpixel rendering, unrelated to Z buffering. Z buffers are for hidden surface removal, if you see wiggling on a single triangle floating in a void, it's not a Z buffer problem.

When you see models clipping through themselves because the triangles can't hide each other, that's the lack of Z buffer.

Thanks for clarifying. I knew I was getting something wrong, but can never remember all the details. IIRC PS1 also suffered from render order issues that required some workarounds, problems the N64 and later consoles didn't have.

The lack of media storage was thing that kind of solidified a lot of those issue. Many that worked on the N64 have said that the texture cache on the system was fine enough for the time. Not great but not terrible. The issue was that you were working in 8MB or 16MB space for the entire game. 32MB carts where rare and less than a dozen ever used 64MB carts.

Yeah. I'm not what one would call a graphics snob, but I found the N64 essentially unplayable even at the time of its release. With few exceptions, nearly every game looked like a pile of blurry triangles running at 15fps.

I always felt like N64 games were doing way too much to look good on the crappy CRTs they were usually hooked up to. The other consoles of the era may have had more primitive GPUs, but for the time I think worse may have actually been better, because developers on other platforms were limited by the hardware in how illegible they could make their games. Pixel artists of the time had learned to lean into and exploit the deficiencies of CRTs, but the same tricks can't really be applied when your texture is going to be scaled and distorted by some arbitrary amount before making it to the screen.

A part of this was due to the TRC of Nintendo. It also didn't hep that due to the complexity of the graphics hardware, most developers where railroaded into using things like the Nintendo provided Microcode just to run the thing decently.

Goldeneye was pretty great for the time !

Janky is literally the PSX's style due to its lack of floating point capability


No, it's due to limited precision in the vertices. If you had 64 bit integers you could have 32.32 fixed-point and it would look as good as floating-point.

did you watch the video?

Quake did not use floating point in it's rasterization math, and it exhibited none of the jittery polygon issues that the ps1 did. It's largely a lack of subpixel accurate rasterization causing it (not even sure if PS1 is pixel accurate, let alone subpixel :)) .

MVG isn't exactly an expert on 3D graphics.

Quake had perspective correct texture mapping though, something that the PSX didn't have.

Sure, but lack of perspective correct texturing is a separate issue, with a separate visual artifact.

Jittery polygons refers to the artifacts you get when polygon vertices are snapped to integer pixel coordinates, rather than taking into account subpixel positions. Quake did not have this issue, despite not using floating-point calculation in it's rasterization. It did use floating point when texturing spans, after rasterization, but this was more of an optimization than a fundamental requirement for accurate texturing :)

In comparison to the other consoles of its generation? It's about as un-janky as things got graphics-wise.

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