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No Data Correlates School Success to Life Success. Literally. None (penelopetrunk.com)
3 points by nsoonhui 65 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

She's very well rounded, has homeschooled her kids, has founded companies, has run math-ed teacher resource company math.com, but I don't see where she's getting this from. https://blog.penelopetrunk.com/about-penelope-trunk/

She writes about individualized curricula, and identifies as Aspie https://education.penelopetrunk.com/2016/04/14/having-a-set-...

That second link is interesting.

Her argument about being "well-rounded" reminds me of many math and tech people I know (no idea whether formally diagnosed with autism) who want to solve all of life through incessant logical argumentation.

The problem is, (human) life's not like that.

Avg Harvard grad salary at 30 vs HS dropout salary at 30? Feels like her data sources are biased or omitting things

I'm not vouching for the data, but here is an explanation for why Ivy League grads may be low earners *at age 30*.

Ivy League grads (I know "lots") are very often from well off families, and are overwhelmingly more likely to go to grad school or into low-paid and public-service careers (like teacher, DA, journalist, writer) because they can afford to.

So at age 30, they haven't yet got that MD or PhD or published their big novel or married that investment banker or leveraged those political connections (from being DA) into big bucks. But they will. Or maybe the trust fund will tide them all the way through.

> We need to remind ourselves over and over again, collectively, that we never had evidence that school accomplished anything beyond keeping kids safe while their parents were at work.

Yeah right.

Anecdotally - I only have ten years of “formal” schooling (dropped out after 10th grade) and I’m doing quite well.

Zip codes and expectations count for a lot. Take-home pay is one thing, expenses are another, satisfaction with life and health are yet other things. We don't measure gross national happiness like Bhutan.

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