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Here goes..

I'm a "solopreneur" as you put it. I have been doing this solo for about eight years now. My service costs $697 per-month to run and my annual reoccurring revenue for this year was close to a million dollars (USD), which was about 10% less than last year (industry layoffs affected my product).

With that being said, I highly suggest building a web service for businesses (b2b sales). Target a service that would sell at least $199 per-month minimum, anything less and it's a massive waste of time to do demos.

Don't build a service where your primary user is individuals in a company. Instead, build a service that will be used by the company itself.. perhaps I am not wording this well, so I'll use an example.

A) A productivity tool used by employees to do X better.

B) An API used by a company to do X.

Build B, not A. A looks like a b2b product, but it's more like b2c.

Interesting, how do you acquire new business?

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