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aaliyajakir 66 days ago | hide | past | favorite

ADHD is a serious medical condition. E.g., it has a higher rate of mortality proved across studies (see [1] for an example).

Does this tool have any evidence that it helps those with ADHD?

ADHD is not just procrastination.

[1] https://www.vallhebron.com/en/news/news/genetic-study-indica...

I got to a list of scales where I could rate various things on a scale of haven't tried to worked consistently.

I have tried all of these things, none of them worked.

Broken UI on iPhone 15

Unfortunately the UI is broken for me on mobile Android/Mull (Firefox)

“Try later”

This is Gold, jerry

Gui is totaly broken on android

I got distracted/bored and gave up on the onboarding. I worry that this sort of apparatus is busywork for solving procrastinators' problems. I suspect that a page that said "The most pressing thing? Just do some of it right now" would be easier and more effective.

> "The most pressing thing? Just do some of it right now"

Maybe, but the most pressing thing is quite often a task of significant enough size that the thought of doing it is intimidating. The most effective thing I find is just doing any initial effort between me and task completion, no matter how trivial, because once I’ve done that the effort to keep going is reduced significantly.

Broken on android and Firefox. Doesn't even work in desktop mode. Such a shame, I would have liked to check it out but tomorrow i may have completely forgotten about that.

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