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> Academic standards: You are not longer allowed to site a non reproduced paper in yours.

> Citations matter as much as the print, put the hurdle there and all of a sudden things will change real quick.

The reproducibility crisis is just a symptom of the publish-or-perish culture that pushes academics to churning out bad research. Academia already over-emphasizes publishing positive results at the expense of studying important questions. Your solution would further incentivize low risk, low impact research that we have too much of.

Aside from that, there are a lot of edge cases that would make this difficult. If I do five studies that are modifications of each other, and all show the same basic effect, but I publish it as one paper, does that count as being reproduced? What if a result has only ever been reproduced within a single research group? Does the Higgs Boson need to be confirmed at at a collider outside the LHC?

>> What if a result has only ever been reproduced within a single research group? Does the Higgs Boson need to be confirmed at at a collider outside the LHC?

Yes. It does. Take out all the detectors and let another team build their own and come in and prove it. The really expensive part was the big concrete doughnut in the ground. After that wee could ... you know... shut the fuckin thing down so we stop pouring money into a literal hole in the ground. Idk we could do some more science after that. What is missing from quantum theory that the LHC running is going to find?

IF we stopped funding mastrubatory string theory and put more of that into practical physics maybe we would have had something else for the LHC to do...

>>> Academia already over-emphasizes publishing positive results at the expense of studying important questions

Academia is made up of Academics, they aren't inclined to fix their own problem... it as effective as the church policing its own issues.

I love what Jack Horner has done (see: https://creation.com/dino-puberty-blues ) but he would never have been able to achieve any of that if those people were alive and his peers.

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