I think many people are exhausted (at least I am) with the constant irrational exuberance of bolting AI onto every technology, product, and service in existence to end all of humanity's problems. It won't work like that.
In fact, reminds me of the time at which they used Blockchain for everything.
Just a bubble right now. It will come back to its natural uses after it. Everyone is doing AI now and I am pretty sure it is to attract investment even if some might know their product will go nowhere.
Correction: Everybody says they're doing AI now because that's the magic buzzword for getting money.
I spent the 1990s building actual AI software, but we had to call it something else because if you even whispered "AI" in the 90s your funding would dry up instantly.
Someone should build a tool that augments any text with current year tech buzzwords for optimal investor appeal. I wonder what tech could be used for that… wait