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> I would consider just taking the Medicaid for a year.

ACA subsidy eligibility may be annual, but Medicaid eligibility is based on current monthly income, and if you have a change that makes you ineligible, you lose it. You can’t just decide to “take Medicaid for a year” because you aren’t subsidy-eligible based on prior-year income.

So? Isn't losing medicaid an ACA qualifying event? Your income goes up, you lose the medicaid but now qualify for ACA.

That said, in my secondhand experience across multiple states I won't name, the medicaid office probably won't actually find out or do anything before 12 months are up.

Also, a few states are starting to officially enact "continuous eligibility" and intentionally not check your income for 12 months -- mostly for children[1] right now, but some states for adults[2] too.

[1] https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/enrollment-strategies/cont...

[2] https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2...

ACA subsidy eligibility is not annual. "Income changed" is a qualifying event.

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