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Frankly, you thought wrong. The whole point of sqlite was to build a database for naval vessels. Aside from that, given it's open source, the "point" of it doesn't really matter anymore.

That is inaccurate. Ginko's statement is closer to truth.

I was inspired to write SQLite while working with Informix on DDG-79 and I saw how useful an embedded database would be in some situations, compared to a client/server solution. So I went off and wrote SQLite on my own, while the development contract was on hiatus. There was never a request for SQLite or anything like it coming from the the navy (or more precisely, Bath Iron Works) as they were both very happy with Informix on the ship and Oracle on land and had zero desire for anything new or different. The development team I worked on ended up using SQLite some for prototyping and testing on that project, but it was never deployed to the ship, as far as I know.

So yes, the whole point of SQLite was to build a database that operated as a library linked into the application, rather than as a separate server, as ginko postulates. Design issues on a single system within DDG-79 (Automated Common Diagrams) were the inspiration for that idea, but to say that SQLite was designed for DDG-79 is not true. There was never a request for SQLite coming from the navy or the ship designers. Indeed, there is was a lot of pushback against SQLite. SQLite was just a crazy idea coming from a rogue developer who happened to be working on one of the many on-board systems at that time.

I've always wondered why sqlite came along, but adoption of msql (Matt Dillons' similar database stack) didn't catch on .. did you have any opportunity to review the existing database tools that were available at the time, and if so - what did you find?

I realize this question is a bit archaic so if there's not really any good answers, no worries - but as I was using Matt's msql in the 2000's in the same way that I now use sqlite, its something I often wonder whenever I set up a new sqlite.db ...

This was great, but you should have started the comment with "I'm D. Richard Hipp. You know nothing of my work."

Thank you for your work on SQLite and Fossil !! They are amazing.

Any chance of WAL2 being included as a standard journal_mode option in the near future? ..or BEGIN CONCURRENT ? :)

Huh, this is a little piece of history I was not aware of. Neat and somewhat helps explain the design philosophy of SQLite knowing that

Semi-related, there’s an anecdote that the InterBase database was selected for use within the M1 Abraham’s tank because it was particularly robust in its implementation.

Apparently an issue with the M1 is that because of the energy produced when the main gun is fired, internal systems may spontaneously reset. So they had to design around that phenomenon through things like robustness and rapid system restart times.

If you want to know more of the origins of SQLite I can highly recommend this episode of the Corecursive podcast


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