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Show HN: Arthas.ai – An open-source alternative to character.ai (github.com/bennyschmidt)
32 points by bschmidt1 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

serious question, as interesting as language models are, what is the value proposition behind something like character AI where you can theoretically debate philosophy and ethics with Plato?

I added some case studies to the repo... Shopping assistants, researchers, curators, Discord/Slack bots, and game NPCs are just a few of the use cases I've built examples for so far: https://github.com/bennyschmidt/Arthas.AI/blob/master/CaseSt...

I just created a separate post for this because it's a different URL and somewhat adjacent to this Show HN. But maybe it's better to keep it all in 1 article - I will leave it up to the mods :)

You’re studying philosophy and want to practice your reasoning and argumentation against an “opponent” of a certain style.

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