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Evolution of the Double Edge Blade (1990) (shaveworld.org)
14 points by tiagod 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I used to have a complicated shave routine, but since discovering feather blades, I just use one of those 2-4 times before replacing it, and shave with nothing but warm water. It's so sharp that it doesn't hurt at all, and the lack of oil or soap means simple running water cleans the razor out. It's so much faster than my previous routine.

(I used electrics for a long time, but I find the smell disturbing and occasionally they pinch and pull. And I like how a double-edge can give me a smoother finish if I do a few broad areas against the grain.)

After starting to use Feather blades I have discovered the same.

I still use from time to time a traditional shaving cream, for the pleasant scent and freshness sensation, but most of the time, when I want to waste a minimum time with shaving, I just shave like you, with the bare Feather blade, without using other consumables except a little after-shave balm.

Did you ever get lots of cuts near the Adam's apple?

no, no cuts at all. but from what I've read, this is really a case where everyone is unique. just genetic luck of the draw. those platinum feather blades really are ridiculously sharp, though- if you haven't tried them specifically, maybe they'd work better than what you're dealing with? Fingers crossed, man.

People using those Gillette multi blades are throwing money away. The double edge safety razor is much cheaper even if you throw out the blade every 2 or so shaves.

Strongly recommend buying a cheaper handle and trying the blades for a few weeks. Everyone I’ve recommended them to and has tried them has made a permanent switch.

I suffered for years from massive razor burns and ingrown hairs from Gillette.

Then I went to DE, full on badger hair brush for lather, the works. Life was better but not perfect.

On one vacation I had forgotten to bring any shaving gear, and locally the only thing sold was Schick razors.

Turns out, no irritation and a great shave from their multi-blade disposable.

People should try all the products on the market and see what works best for them!

I used them some for a month, and off and on since. I had high hopes, but find the shave worse quality, more difficult, and nicked myself some. Went back to Gillette.

My hair is so course and thick that I can only shave with feather blades, but I hate how every time I travel I can't bring them with me.

I bought disposable safety razors that are single blade and marketed in India and while they are better than all of the multi blade disposables, they still suck. Does anyone have a solution for good shaving while traveling if you can't bring your DE razor?

It depends on how good you want to be the shaving while traveling.

During the years I have been using more than a dozen of different kinds of shaving devices, but eventually I have also returned to traditional double-edge safety razors, because all the many later inventions are actually inferior, while straight razors are too inconvenient. I also use Feather blades.

Nevertheless, for business trips I use a Philips Oneblade, which is small and convenient. My second choice would be single-blade Bic disposables, which are very cheap but I find them better than the much more expensive multi-blade disposables or cartridge razors from Gillette or any others.

However, with Bic or the like I would also have to carry with me shaving consumables, so for trips I prefer the minimal solution with Oneblade, even if it does not shave as well as what I am using at home.

In the past I have also used several variants of the other kinds of electric razors, i.e. with rotary blades (e.g. Philips) or with foil blades (e.g. Panasonic), but now I believe that using any of them cannot be justified, because their shaving quality can never match that of good traditional DE blades (even when buying a top model that costs more than the DE blades that would be consumed during a decade), while in comparison with Oneblade they are too big and too heavy, less versatile and more irritating to the skin.

Mail yourself a pack of blades at the hotel, or source something local (harder when you have a specific need like Feathers, Astra's or my now discontinued Pol silvers) while traveling.

I have an old Probak, it shaves ok but not amazing from what I remember.


I was curious about the odd shape of old-school razor blades. After some googling, turns out the reason is once again, patents... (and dubious marketing claims)

I once convinced the table of software developers that the reason why manhole covers around was because of a patent on square round hole covers.

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