I've heard it spoken by members of upper management, which obviously serves to reinforce the culture (and was a massive red flag for me at the time). I will say, though, that management is very open to improvements in procedure so it's more that the rank-and-file have accepted the status quo. They also have a habit of promoting a spirit of entrepreneurship within the company, which seems to be the thing that keeps me coming back for more.
Let me put it another way: Are the people making those comments responsible for those procedures?
Having seen this sort of thing many times, and being in that position myself, it seems more about it not being the "rank-and-files" responsibility to fix these things. I'm not going to deal with the process and bureaucracy in order to (try to!) fix processes that are above my paygrade - and with no guarantee things will change in any way
In short, this is a sort of coping mechanism
(Obviously this is less applicable to upper management)