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This lists r7iz at the top, and AWS says they run at 3.9 GHz. Dunno where this leaves the m5zn and x2iezn family (at 4.5 GHz), or even the z1d (at 4.0 GHz). Frequency isn't everything, but seems strange that they're not to be found in the table.

You're right, just added m5zn. Base frequency is 3.8Ghz and turbo boost 4.5Ghz, but since it is an outdated CPU, they are average at best.

I'll also benchmark the z1d.

z1d is ancient, from 2017. My theory is that they keep it around because of corporates not switching, and wasting $ on slow and more expensive compute?

z1d: Skylake, 4.0 GHz, 2017 X2iezn: Cascade Lake, 4.5 GHz, 2019

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