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Sam Altman: AI Will Replace 95% of Creative Marketing Work (cmswire.com)
6 points by TuringNYC 82 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Most of the graphic artists I know, ended-up working for some kind of marketing/advert agency. This is terrible. Loss of people who do creative (graphic) work will have detrimental effect. His company went around scraped everything under the sun, using whatever means possible, not giving flying fuck about legality and now he has audacity to come out and tell everyone - "all of you are fucked, AI can do your work".

> Loss of people who do creative (graphic) work will have detrimental effect.

The society will benefit. At least 80% of graphic artists, marketers do zero sum work without greater value. Replacing them with AI just saves money.

Maybe those remaining 20% who produce something valuable get a raise.

And never produce anything original. No change then.

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