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I only use the old.reddit.com but the newer one appears to change rather frequently?

They also do things like the chat, live threads and other nonsense that I will never use but clearly will take a decent number of man hours to build.

There are the user avatars, the different events like Place. Or having to implement their own image/video sharing back-end.

Does that add up to $450M/year of R&D costs? I don't know.

> implement their own video sharing back-end

Didn't they buy out a company for that?

I'm under the impression that the chat is only used by spam bots.

i have used it all of twice once was when i ran into a post about something that sounded familiar and sent a dm to the poster turned out it was a friend of mine's account, the other i messaged a moderator when a bot for the sub quit posting updates and they fixed it.

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